CFD Rollover

CFD Rollover 2021

CFD Rollover Dates

All futures contracts have dates of when they mature. In order to allow our clients to trade without interruption, AvaTrade swaps a matured contract price with a new one before the old contract expires and adjusts the difference in price between the 2 underlying contracts.

List of upcoming CFD Futures Rollovers:


InstrumentCurrent Traded ContractAVA Rollover Date (Sunday)Next Traded Contract
Crude OilOct 2024 (CLV24)15-Sep-24Nov 2024 (CLX24)
Brent OilNov 2024 (LCOX4)22-Sep-24Dec 2024 (LCOZ4)
Natural gasOct 2024 (NGV24)22-Sep-24Nov 2024 (NGX24)
GasolineOct 2024 (RBV24)29-Sep-24Nov 2024 (RBX24)
Heating OilOct 2024 (HOV24)29-Sep-24Nov 2024 (HOX24)
WheatDec 2024 (ZWZ24)24-Nov-24Mar 2025 (ZWH25)
Soy-beanNov 2024 (ZSX24)27-Oct-24Jan 2025 (ZSF25)
CornDec 2024 (ZCZ24)24-Nov-24Mar 2025 (ZCH25)
Cotton n. 2Oct 2024 (CTV4)22-Sep-24Dec 2024 (CTZ4)
Sugar 11. szOct 2024 (SBV4)29-Sep-24Mar 2025 (SBH5)
Coffee CDec 2024 (KCZ4)10-Nov-24Mar 2025 (KCH5)
CopperDec 2024 (HGZ24)24-Nov-24Mar 2025 (HGH25)
PalládiumDec 2024 (PAZ24)24-Nov-24Mar 2025 (PAH25)
PlatinumOct 2024 (PLV24)29-Sep-24Jan 2025 (PLF25)
CocoaDec 2024 (CCZ4)10-Nov-24Mar 2025 (CCH5)

Stock Indices

InstrumentCurrent Traded ContractAVA Rollover Date (Sunday)Next Traded Contract
HK 50Sep 2024 (HSIU4)22-Sep-24Oct 2024 (HSIV4)
TAIWAN_INDXSep 2024 (STWNU4)22-Sep-24Oct 2024 (STWNV4)
China A50Sep 2024 (CNU4)22-Sep-24Oct 2024 (CNV4)
France 40Sep 2024 (FCEU4)15-Sep-24Oct 2024 (FCEV4)
Spain 35Sep 2024 (MFXIU4)15-Sep-24Oct 2024 (MFXIV4)
US_500Sep 2024 (ESU24)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (ESZ24)
US_TECH100Sep 2024 (NQU24)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (NQZ24)
US_30Sep 2024 (YMU24)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (YMZ24)
CANADA_60Sep 2024 (SXFU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (SXFZ4)
Germany 40Sep 2024 (FDXU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (FDXZ4)
GERMANY_TECH30Sep 2024 (FTDXU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (FTDXZ4)
Europe 50Sep 2024 (FESXU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (FESXZ4)
UK_100Sep 2024 (FFIHU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (FFIHZ4)
ITALY_40Sep 2024 (SPMIBU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (SPMIBZ4)
SWISS 20Sep 2024 (FSMIZU24)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (FSMIZZ24)
US_2000Sep 2024 (TFU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (TFZ4)
AUS 200Sep 2024 (APU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (APZ4)
DOLLAR INDEXSep 2024 (DXU4)15-Sep-24Dec 2024 (DXZ4)
Japan 225Dec 2024 (SSIZ4)08-Dec-24Mar 2025 (SSIH5)
NED 25Sep 2024 (AEXU4)15-Sep-24Oct 2024 (AEXV4)


InstrumentCurrent Traded ContractAVA Rollover Date (Sunday)Next Traded Contract
Japan Govt Bond Dec 2024 (SJBZ4)08-Dec-24Mar 2025 (SJBH5)
Euro-BondDec 2024 (FGBLZ4)08-Dec-24Mar 2025 (FGBLH5)

*All dates are for indication only

*AvaTrade reserves the right to amend rollover dates based on liquidity/volume of the underlying contract

How can I avoid CFD rollover?

You can avoid CFD rollover by closing your open position before the rollover date.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about CFD Rollover Dates

  • Why would you want to keep an asset open after its expiry date?

    CFDs (Contracts for Difference) are derivatives instruments whose value is derived from an underlying asset/s. They automatically terminate at a pre-set date in the future. However, CFDs with a rollover option allow you to extend the CFD expiry date to a later point in time. This is an open contract with no expiry date. At inception, it is imperative to understand CFD expiry dates, and whether they are rolling CFDs. You may have a poorly performing CFD, but you believe rates will reverse favourably, so you initiate a CFD rollover beyond the expiry date.

  • May I see an example of a CFD rollover in action?

    CFD rollovers are common. There are rollovers for buy positions and rollovers for sell positions. For a buy position, assume you’re buying 100 contracts of the Germany 30 at a current sell rate of €15,000, and a sell rate for the new futures contract at €15,100, i.e. €100 higher. The adjustment is subtracted from your position to maintain the same equity. [Old contract rate – new contract rate] X [number of contracts] = [€15,000 – €15,100] X [100] = €10,000 subtracted from your account. The rollover adjustment for a sell position is added to your account.

  • What’s the connection between interest rates and forex CFD rollovers?

    With CFDs, rollovers are determined by the difference between the asset interest rates. If you buy a currency pair such as the USD/ZAR, and the rate is greater than the interest rate on the sold currency, the rollover will be accrued on your trading position. If you’re buying a currency and the rate of the currency is less than the interest rate on the currency sold, the rollover will be subtracted from your trading position. Therefore, CFD rollovers can generate extra income, or result in losses. If you’re holding a forex CFD position overnight, check the roll rates.